Expawditions To The Walk 4 Paws
Thursday, September 12, 2019
There are many ways the animals at the Chautauqua County Humane Society benefit from your participation in the Walk 4 Paws on Saturday, October 5th from 9am-11:30am at Chautauqua Institution. The animals of course benefit from your fundraising, but did you know that you can actually bring a shelter dog along with you to enjoy the walk through our Expawditions program?
If you are unfamiliar, Expawditions is a program that allows community members to come to CCHS and take a shelter dog out for a doggie day trip. It can be an hour, it can be the majority of the day. All that you need to do is fill out a quick form and complete a ten minute orientation. Learn more about Expawditions and sign up here!
If you are interested in bringing a shelter dog to the Walk 4 Paws we ask that you complete the short orientation by Friday, October 4th so that on Saturday, October 5th you can come and pick up the dog and be on your way. CCHS Community Relations Director Brian Papalia said “It would be an awesome sight to see all of the dogs that can handle a trip out to the walk to be there in the orange adopt me vests.”
Sign up for the Walk 4 Paws today.